Justene review 1

Escort name:Justene
Date of Visit:02/15/2020
Time of Visit:8pm
Spent time:3 Hours
Ladies attractiveness:10 out of 10
Her level of service:
General comments:I am too busy with work to have a normal social life. This is the reason I book Justene regularly. She offers me the best GFE without any commitments. That makes it worthwhile for me. I can go out partying with her, enjoy fine-dining restaurants or catch the latest movie in town. I enjoy the perks of having a girlfriend without actually having a girlfriend. At 5’6” and a stunning figure, this Cambodian/Australian seductress is gorgeous to look at. She has a luxurious and well-equipped apartment at Marylebone where we often end up for an hour of hot and steamy sex.